The Orphan Files
The Orphan Files

[Crazy Composites] [Movie Sounds] [TV Sounds] [The Simpsons] [South Park] [Sound FX] [The Orphan Files] [Requests]

Now and then, I stumble upon files without any clue as to where they came from. If anyone can help me trace their "parents" (i.e. movie, cartoon, song, or any other source), I will be glad to post your name in the Jukebox page along with a "thank you" note. Do you have a similar file and would like to know where it came from? You're more than welcome to send me a small description of that file and I may post it. Also, as you can see most of my "orphans" have been traced with their "parents," but don't worry, more "orphans" are coming soon!
  Description: Size:
Long dialogue between two soldiers.
It seems this is a sound-bit from Apocalypse Now: Robert Duvall (?) is talking with another soldier; war-like chaos is heard in the background. The sound quality is not that good and it's hard at times to understand what each of them says.
160 kb
"You are an idiot! Wa ha ha ha!"
My guess would be.. the smurfs?
38 kb
Number of Files: 2
Total Size: 198 kb

[Crazy Composites] [Movie Sounds] [TV Sounds] [The Simpsons] [South Park] [Sound FX] [The Orphan Files] [Requests]

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